Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"You're calling me to you, and I will run... I will run to you"

As Megan and I were running today, she was encouraging me about God being with me. He is there when I begin,  beside me through it all , at the top of every hill, and at the bottom of every valley and at the finish line.

Sounds kinda like the Christian walk... There are times in my life, where I'm merely crawling with God. I feel like I can't go any further, but He walks right there with me. There are some times that I feel like I'm running,  I have overflowing passion to keep going and serving the Lord head on. But, God is there with you at all times. Whether you think you're walking the opposite way, or you're barely making it...He's there. He never leaves or forsakes us. He wants us to follow Him, and he will guide us. Whether we're crawling, walking or sprinting towards eternity.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Construcción del templo

In the years that I've been a christian, there is one thing that Satan loves to use to enable me from serving the Lord to my fullest. DISCOURAGEMENT. He pulls that card out almost every day for me. 

 While being here in Costa Rica, He's used many circumstances to plant this inferiority in my mind. Especially this... Seeing pictures from people in Africa and El Salvador surrounded by children, and loving on them and being able to reach hundreds and hundreds. And then there is our team, here in CR, and we have about 30 kids in the program. We're not reaching multitudes, or seeing a plentiful harvest. At first, this was something that crippled me in my service. Feeling as though it didn't really matter, because it wasn't this GREAT work. But, God has worked so much in my heart in the last few months. Realizing doesn't matter what the work is. He's using the circumstances here to further His kingdom. We had the opportunity to build relationships with each and every child in the program.God has showed me that it's not about the work that's being done, but it's about doing it unto Him, humbly and willingly.

I truly believe that God didn't bring me here to just work with the kids, and serve at Calvary Chapel Villarreal. He brought me here to rebuild my temple. Thus far, God has been ripping down the old temple, that is full of idols, and defilement, and He has started rebuilding the new temple. Full of refined gold, and His word, and His spirit. Not only has He shown me the importance of cleansing my mind of things that aren't of Him, but also taking care of the temple He gave me, which is my body. He even placed people like Megan (a person who has a passion for nutrition), and Josh (athlete, who's mom is a physical trainer, so he knows a ton about physical fitness) into my life. I feel like I'm learning this lesson kind of late in the game, but I know God will redeem the time I've wasted, if I ask Him to. 

You would think that coming to the Mission Field would be only to serve, and build others up....but it's so not only that. God has used this time to teach our whole team so many life lessons. 

Praise God for this:
 "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare"


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


On Sunday, Corey asked us interns if we’d like to drive to Liberia with him to pick up his friend at the airport. Jumping at the chance to ride in a car for more than 5 minutes, Megan and I went with him. On the way, we stopped at a little pastry shop, and picked up a snack. I hadn’t eaten, but I wasn’t hungry either…so I saved mine to eat later. On the way Corey had to stop and get gas. Jorge who is probably 10 came right up to the car as we pulled in. He asked Megan and I what we were doing, where we were going… and some other questions I couldn’t quite understand. We had a brief conversation, but something was stirring in my heart. There was something about him that made my heart break. Maybe it was the lack of any fat on this kids body, or that he was working at a gas station at the age of 10…trying to earn a little money. Whatever the case may be, God prompted me to give this kid my pastry. It wasn’t much to offer, I felt almost silly giving it to him, but Jorge’s face lit up as I handed it to him. God showed me that it’s not about what I offer, it’s about doing it unto Him, and He will make the increase. Just like when he fed the multitude with 5 fish and 2 loaves. Having a willing heart to give the little we do have is where God wants us to be. He takes care of the rest. Don’t ever believe the lie that Satan tells you that what you have is not good enough.

I’m learning this lesson more and more as I stay here in Costa Rica. I don't have much to offer, but that doesn’t mean I should burry my talent. God gave me gifts, and resources for a purpose. I’m called to give what I have to God. He will do the work.

Be encouraged, church.