Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"You're calling me to you, and I will run... I will run to you"

As Megan and I were running today, she was encouraging me about God being with me. He is there when I begin,  beside me through it all , at the top of every hill, and at the bottom of every valley and at the finish line.

Sounds kinda like the Christian walk... There are times in my life, where I'm merely crawling with God. I feel like I can't go any further, but He walks right there with me. There are some times that I feel like I'm running,  I have overflowing passion to keep going and serving the Lord head on. But, God is there with you at all times. Whether you think you're walking the opposite way, or you're barely making it...He's there. He never leaves or forsakes us. He wants us to follow Him, and he will guide us. Whether we're crawling, walking or sprinting towards eternity.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Construcción del templo

In the years that I've been a christian, there is one thing that Satan loves to use to enable me from serving the Lord to my fullest. DISCOURAGEMENT. He pulls that card out almost every day for me. 

 While being here in Costa Rica, He's used many circumstances to plant this inferiority in my mind. Especially this... Seeing pictures from people in Africa and El Salvador surrounded by children, and loving on them and being able to reach hundreds and hundreds. And then there is our team, here in CR, and we have about 30 kids in the program. We're not reaching multitudes, or seeing a plentiful harvest. At first, this was something that crippled me in my service. Feeling as though it didn't really matter, because it wasn't this GREAT work. But, God has worked so much in my heart in the last few months. Realizing doesn't matter what the work is. He's using the circumstances here to further His kingdom. We had the opportunity to build relationships with each and every child in the program.God has showed me that it's not about the work that's being done, but it's about doing it unto Him, humbly and willingly.

I truly believe that God didn't bring me here to just work with the kids, and serve at Calvary Chapel Villarreal. He brought me here to rebuild my temple. Thus far, God has been ripping down the old temple, that is full of idols, and defilement, and He has started rebuilding the new temple. Full of refined gold, and His word, and His spirit. Not only has He shown me the importance of cleansing my mind of things that aren't of Him, but also taking care of the temple He gave me, which is my body. He even placed people like Megan (a person who has a passion for nutrition), and Josh (athlete, who's mom is a physical trainer, so he knows a ton about physical fitness) into my life. I feel like I'm learning this lesson kind of late in the game, but I know God will redeem the time I've wasted, if I ask Him to. 

You would think that coming to the Mission Field would be only to serve, and build others up....but it's so not only that. God has used this time to teach our whole team so many life lessons. 

Praise God for this:
 "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare"


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


On Sunday, Corey asked us interns if we’d like to drive to Liberia with him to pick up his friend at the airport. Jumping at the chance to ride in a car for more than 5 minutes, Megan and I went with him. On the way, we stopped at a little pastry shop, and picked up a snack. I hadn’t eaten, but I wasn’t hungry either…so I saved mine to eat later. On the way Corey had to stop and get gas. Jorge who is probably 10 came right up to the car as we pulled in. He asked Megan and I what we were doing, where we were going… and some other questions I couldn’t quite understand. We had a brief conversation, but something was stirring in my heart. There was something about him that made my heart break. Maybe it was the lack of any fat on this kids body, or that he was working at a gas station at the age of 10…trying to earn a little money. Whatever the case may be, God prompted me to give this kid my pastry. It wasn’t much to offer, I felt almost silly giving it to him, but Jorge’s face lit up as I handed it to him. God showed me that it’s not about what I offer, it’s about doing it unto Him, and He will make the increase. Just like when he fed the multitude with 5 fish and 2 loaves. Having a willing heart to give the little we do have is where God wants us to be. He takes care of the rest. Don’t ever believe the lie that Satan tells you that what you have is not good enough.

I’m learning this lesson more and more as I stay here in Costa Rica. I don't have much to offer, but that doesn’t mean I should burry my talent. God gave me gifts, and resources for a purpose. I’m called to give what I have to God. He will do the work.

Be encouraged, church.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Back to the basics...

“This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God” 1 Corinthians 4:1

Regard me as a servant…I don’t know about you, but that is so humbling to me. I’m here, serving the Lord and being a steward of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But, my flesh wants recognition, I want my pride to be fed, and I want to be able to boast in this work, I want people to hear “thank you” The reality is, the people here, and the people from back home should regard me as a servant…a lowly servant. I’m doing what I’ve been told to do. God has put this work in front of me, He’s given me the strength and gifts to accomplish the tasks and He’s given me the people to minister to. Nothing I’m doing here is of me, It’s all of God, or for His glory. In Luke 17:9-10 it says “Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say “We are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty”
I am so unworthy to be here. I’ve been standing back and seeing all the work God is doing in the people that live here, and seeing lives change with the workers here. I’ve been paying close attention to God’s creation; humans, animals and nature… I’m realizing how SMALL I am in the big picture. But, God is doing a great work in my life. Instead of believing the lies Satan tells me like “God doesn’t need you, he doesn’t want you, you can’t do anything”, God has been giving me promise after promise that he has a plan for my life, and if I abide in it, great and mighty things will come from it.
            We just hit our 3 month mark. I’m already fretting about leaving. It’s going to be so hard saying goodbye to all these people that I’ve fallen in love with. I’m going to miss the, interesting, but awesome culture. I’m going to miss singing in Spanish, watching the sunset at Tamarindo, and walking to the church each morning with Megan and Josh. But, I still have 3 months left to enjoy these things. I’m praying that God gives me a calm spirit, and the mentality to enjoy each moment He puts in front of me.

Prayer requests:
-This week is VBS for all the kids. Pray that we have the strength and supplies to minister to these kids. And pray that the children’s hearts would be softened and that this experience would change their lives forever.
-For my team. That we would be of one mind, that God would continue to unite us, and that we would have 1 corinthians 13 love for eachother.
-Matt and Brooke Mcclain. They are moving in a few months. Please pray for peace and that God gives them all the time they need to get everything done.
-Me, as I travel back to the states on the 23rd for my brothers wedding. Pray for traveling mercies, and that my time home would be fruitful, and I would get what I need to get done…done! :)

I’m missing you all, and know that I’ve been praying for many of you all the way down here in Costa Rica.

God Bless,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

There's no place that I'd rather be....

            Before I knew it, my time here was half over. But, the work God is doing is full force. There is so much left that God has for us…I’m daily being reminded that I need to be present in the moment. Praying that my eyes and ears would hear and see the lessons God is teaching me. By doing that, I’ve seen him fulfill promises, I’ve seen him heal hearts, and open doors I never thought would be opened. And, there is still 3 months left….
            One year ago, when I went to Costa Rica, I had the opportunity to lead worship in Spanish. God promised me then, that I would get to do it again. I wasn’t sure how he was going to fulfill this promise, but here I am, in Costa Rica…not only singing in Spanish, but also teaching classes, and having conversations with the children. I’ve had opportunities to sing at Calvary Chapel, where I am serving, but also at another local church. I’ve gotten to sing the National Anthem at a school graduation, and in a couple weeks, I will be singing in Spanish at a concert outreach. More and more doors are being opened, and I’m so thankful God is enabling me to walk through these doors. God has used Potter’s Field not only to shape me into a usable vessel for God, but also to open more doors for me to serve God in the future.
            One of my biggest prayers is that God would enable me to write songs. In the last month, He’s given me not only one song, but three. He’s surrounded me with musically talented people, and I know He’s got something bigger in store.
In 3 weeks, I will be going home for a week for my brothers wedding. I’m really excited, but also a little bit nervous. It’s going to be a shock to be back in my normal culture. Life is so different here, and I’ve become accustomed to it. But,  I am so looking forward to a mom hug, some NY pizza, and some God talk with my Dad. I’m also looking forward to catching up with friends, and singing in English at my brothers wedding. It’s gonna be a great time of refreshing and relaxation. Please keep my trip in your prayers.

            If I wrote everything that God was doing here, there wouldn’t be enough room, but just know that God has transformed my life, and the lives of my teammates around me. I can’t wait to come back home and share all the big and small things God has taught me and shown me while I’ve been here.

God bless you all :) 

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I’m about 2 and a half months into my time here in Costa Rica. That went fast. I can’t believe that I only have 3 and a half months left here. It’s bitter sweet, because I miss my family and my friends, and normalcy but I love life here. A lot of me never wants to leave, or at least come back really soon.
            My team and I have settled into life here. We are enjoying the Pura Vida way of life, and we’re enjoying the people that God has put here that we get the privilege to serve under and with. 
Matt and Brooke, they’re kinda like our house parents that don’t live with us, they’re the best. We all praise God for keeping them here until we finish our time. God has called them to go back to the states in October. They are going to stay at the ranch in Montana, and help train future interns. I couldn’t think of any two people better for the job. They understand the mission field. I’m excited for what God is going to do through them at the ranch.  They have 3 wonderful kids that teach us  so many great lessons about encouragement, and faith. Really glad I have 3 and half more months to reap some of the fruit they’ve planted here.
One of my favorite parts of the week is Monday afternoon, when Don Victor teaches a short little bible study for all of us workers before the week begins. The Holy Spirit spills out of his mouth when He speaks, and God speaks right to my heart every time he shares. He is an awesome man of God, and I wish I understood more of what he was saying. One the three days of PFK, he faithfully comes and makes and serves a meal to all the kids and us. It’s such a blessing.
Being in a Spanish speaking culture has been way different, and it has presented many challenges with communicating. Luckily, God has placed Helyi in our lives here. Before she started working for Potter’s Field, she was a Spanish teacher. So, she takes a couple hours out of her week to teach us Spanish. I can’t begin to explain the blessing this has been for us. With the little bit she has taught us, it has opened the door to speak to people about Christ, to talk to people we know on the street from the church, and to communicate with people in stores and in Tamarindo. She is such an asset to the ministry here.
On Friday nights, we get the chance to hang out with the youth from the church at La Roca, which is youth group. Corey, our neighbor, is  the youth pastor. God has called him here from California, and he has been serving here for a year.  Megan and I joke about how perfect he is to be the youth pastor. He’s more than willing to get his hands dirty, and have a good time with the kids, but when it comes to the teaching the word and giving these kids the truth, he’s serious and tells them how it is. He’s been an awesome big brother to us here. We can go to him with questions, and he gives us Godly advice, and he is very protective of us and makes sure we stay out of trouble.
There are so many other people here, working for the Lord, and I cannot emphasize enough that  we are SO privileged to be down here, serving alongside these people for Christ.

Thank you all for all the prayers and support. I wouldn’t be here without you all answering the call God has placed on your life to be senders!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This morning, I was reading in the one year bible that Debbie Bryson gave us at the Women's retreat, and I read in 1 Samuel about David and Goliath. When I saw the title of the scripture, I figured God was going to speak to me about the giants I have in my life, and conquering them through His strength. That's usually what I get from that story, but today he spoke to me something different. While I was reading the verses about Saul and David's interaction about David being able enough to kill Goliath, David spoke about killing the bears and lions. Usually, I look right past that, but God showed me that He is my David. I'm his sheep. When I'm under attack, He comes and rescues me. He doesn't want me to be struck down and killed. He was wants to save me from the things I can't save myself from. It offered a lot of healing for me today, and I had the chance to share it with Megan and pray about it with her.

Moral of the story: Trials come, but when we call out to God, he saves us from the "bears" and "lions" in our life that are seeking to destroy us.

As we were leaving for work this morning, Megan and I found out we'd be working together at Helyi's house, but we weren't sure what we'd be doing. We got there, and thought we might be babysitting, but instead, we sat down and ate a meal with her and a couple other ladies from the church (Sylvia and Alejandra) and then made book marks that have the promises of God written on them. It was such a refreshing morning, and I'm so glad that I've had the opportunity to get to know these women, as much as I can with the language barrier. I'm so excited to be able to learn from these women, and spend more time with them.

God is so good.
Please continue to pray for me and my team, along with the children we are ministering to.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pura Vida

Wow, what a blessing it has been to be in Costa Rica. God is teaching me so many lessons! It's blowing my mind. 

I don't even know where to begin. God is showing me how to put Him first, training me to be a good wife by taking care of a home, cooking and spending all my time with one person and submitting to firstly, God, but also to the authority He has placed over me.  

Home life has been really interesting. I couldn't ask for a better person to house with though. Megan and I have been getting along really well. Of course, there are bumps in the road, but I would think there was something wrong with us if there wasn't. I can't wait to see what God does with the time we get to spend with each other. I know that I've learned more life lessons from her than any other person I've ever met. (besides my parents) We both recognize God has a purpose for putting us here, and we're waiting with open ears to learn it. 

The weather. Wow, it's hot, but it's getting better, and rainy season has evenings are a lot cooler. It hasn't been easy to work in it, and most of the time I just want to sit down and not do anything, but God is showing me to do His work with a grateful heart, and a willing heart. Definitely SUCH an important lesson to learn.

While I've been here, God has put it on my heart to get healthy. Megan and I went on our first run today. It was interesting how much Satan didn't want us to. Firstly, we woke up late, then our stomachs hurt. When we went to leave, the gate wouldn't open. We started running and ran into a few crazy obstacles and then a dog started to attack me. I got really sick afterwards. God prompted my heart to read Romans 8 when I got home, and it was exactly what I needed to read. If God is for us, who can be against us!

On Friday, I will be leaving for San Jose for a Women's Conference. It's going to be with the women from the church. I'm excited to get to know them better, and to have a weekend of refreshment and spiritual rejuvenation. I'm really excited to go. Please pray for safe travels, and for the hearts of the ladies going.

A few other things you can pray for:
Gustavo--a child that is in the program. Struggling at home. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Me- As I continue to walk in the Lords plan for my life, and giving Him back the temple He gave me.
Anayeli-- Another child in the program. God has laid her as a burden on my heart. Not sure why, but please keep her lifted up.
Juan-- My landlord. He's a blessing. He has a few health issues though, so please pray for healing.

Thanks for reading. I will try to continue to keep all of you who are keeping up with my posted. Sorry these blogs have been few and far between. I will do my best to update you as often as I think I can.

God bless you!

Friday, April 27, 2012

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” -1  Corinthians 1:3

There is one word in this verse that is subtle, but I believe it speaks volumes. The word “OUR” is really important. God isn’t just my God, or just your God. He’s our GOD AND FATHER.  We are brothers and sisters in Christ, yet sometimes we don’t act like it. We keep the gifts, and talents or words of encouragement to ourselves, because we’re prideful. Instead of keeping things to ourselves, we need to share it with the brothers and sisters we’re working along side.. we’re one body, and to work as one, you need to share the blood that flows through ALL our veins. 

Today, I will pray for an opportunity to share a gift of mine with someone, or to share an encouraging word to a brother or sister in Christ. 

“To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours.” -1 Corinthians 1:2

This is why I’m in Costa Rica. Yeah, there is a language barrier, but we’re all saints because Christ Jesus sanctified us. The same people that I’m working aside, serve the same God, pray to the same God and worship the same God. It’s amazing to look at people like Helyi and Don Victor, and see their hearts and know that is the same Holy Spirit dwelling in them as in me. Even though personally, we might not have a relationship because we can’t communicate proficiently, but there is a tighter bond. A bond that can’t separate. A bond that allows us to work together for a common goal and glorify the Lord through it.  Only with God would that work!

            I am going to write a letter to Helyi and Don Victor, thanking them for their hard work, and letting them know how much I appreciate working side by side with them.