Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ok, I need to slow down. My mind is focused on the future, but I’m missing all the beautiful moments God is putting in front of my face. I need to learn to stop, and bask in the glory and beauty of my Lord. The beautiful thing about the Costa Rican culture is that they are very relaxed. They have a common phrase here, and it’s “Pura Vida”. The literal translation means “Pure Life”, but the real meaning is along the lines of “Live in the moment, enjoy life”. If only I could not only know this phrase, but also live it. I want to not only cease every moment and opportunity God puts in front of me, but also have my mind in the moment. Not worried about the next step, or the next thing I could be doing, but be there, soaking up all that God is doing.
So, Costa Rica. I’m about 2 weeks into my time here. I’ve experienced a lot more than I could have ever imagined. Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself living in an apartment, on a dirt road, working at a Calvary Chapel in Costa Rica. Nor did I imagine I would have to kill cockroaches, scorpions and soon…tarantulas. God’s plans are always different than our own, but I’m sure glad He had this in mind for me. Yeah, it’s hot, I’m covered in sunburn and bugs are constantly annoying me, but…GOD…He’s moving in this place, and people are hearing the gospel, and I rejoice greatly in that. Whenever I feel downcast, or overwhelmed…I look down at my “PRESS ON” bracelet that Pastor Steve got us, and I feel the Lord reinforcing my motive for being here. Yeah, spiritual warfare is real, but God’s armor is so strong for us, and He is our shield. He is our arms in the morning.
Meg just left today for her visa trip to Nicaragua, so it’s just me in this apartment. It’s fine right now, but tonight I’ll definitely miss her…I don’t like facing the bugs in the apartment alone. We both take comfort knowing this is exactly where God wanted her to be, though and he wanted me and Josh to be left behind. Not sure what lesson he’s going to teach us through this time, but it’s definitely exciting. I’m hoping to get a lot of reading and cleaning done in the next couple of days.
I’m really starting to fall in love with this place. Not just the beach, and constant sunshine, but the people. I’m loving every single person I’m meeting, and I’m so excited to start Spanish classes, so that I can communicate this love to them.
Please continue to pray for me, and my teammates. Pray that we have endurance, and a joy to do the work God has laid before us to do.

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